518 Vacuum Pressure Furnace

518 Vacuum Pressure Furnace

The SST 518 Vacuum/Pressure furnace provides the right combination of performance and value for use in R&D labs and high mix/low volume production environments. Void-free, flux-free solder joints are reliably obtained through a carefully controlled and sequenced combination of heat, vacuum, and pressurized inert gas.

SST Vacuum Reflow Systems
  • Void-Free Eutectic Die attach
  • Hermetic Package Sealing to MIL-STD
  • Flux-Free Solder Process Development
  • Assembly of High Reliability Microelectronic Packages
  • Hybrid Microelectronic Circuit Assembly
  • Fiber Optic Package Assembly
518 Chamber View
518 Interface and Display View
518 Application Example
518 Application Example

Formic Acid

Built-in formic acid delivery system to reduce surface oxides for high quality wetting. Formic acid is a two-temperature step operation which reacts with the surface oxides at low temperature and then decomposes at higher temperature, leaving a pure metal surface for optimal solder reflow.

Graphite Tooling – Design and Manufacture

A full selection of products and services to meet your needs for precision graphite products. We combine our extensive inventory of premium graphite materials with engineering and design services, precision machining of graphite, ceramics and metals, and post-machining services such as cleaning, purification, coating and impregnation.

2020 in Retrospect. What's in store for 2021?


Why or When One Should Use a Vacuum/Pressure Reflow Oven System

Contact us below and a representative will be in touch to help you with your vacuum reflow needs.