PTI Blog

Archimedes and the Semiconductor Chip

How do you construct a bridge across a broad channel of water when the middle is far too deep to build one or more of the needed interim ...

Posted by Palomar Technologies MarCom Team on

Around the World in Five Trends

With due apologies to Jules Vern and his famous novel, we begin our 2024 blog series with an opening theme of “Around the World in Five ...

Posted by Palomar Technologies MarCom Team on

Handmade in the USA

Yes, we still need to do some things by hand. Such is our collective way at looking at the world, that most of us cannot imagine, that when ...

Posted by Palomar Technologies MarCom Team on

The Circular Economy

The current pace of technological change is only matched by levels in geo-economic uncertainties, themselves without parallel in over a ...

Posted by Palomar Technologies MarCom Team on

Anticipating Icebergs

Packaging development and process work marks the critical universe of small beginnings. Problems rightly anticipated in these earliest ...

Posted by Palomar Technologies MarCom Team on

The Many Faces of Cost

Many of us are familiar with the saying concerning the workman and his tools. It exposes the unfortunate tendency that, when looking upon ...

Posted by Palomar Technologies MarCom Team on

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