Happy New Year!

To say that 2016 has been an interesting year is probably an understatement for most of us in the electronics business. The pace of change in technological innovation and industry consolidation continues, and this is leading to new markets and opportunities for us all.

In our first full year as part of the Palomar Technologies family, SST Vacuum Reflow Systems deepened its market-focused approach to ensure we are listening to customers’ needs and desired outcomes, thus delivering system and service solutions that result in technologically superior products but also accelerate our customers’ ROI.

We introduced QuikCool™ as an option to the Model 5100 to accelerate production cycles and thus output. Our process lab has collaborated with materials suppliers to improve profile options that reduce production cost. The product roadmap has expanded with exciting developments for the year ahead, and we have strengthened our sales and technical teams through the addition of experienced personnel and materials expertise.

These developments have occurred as a result of suggestions and feedback from you, our customers,  and we at SST truly value the collaborative relationships we have built to strengthen our mutual success.

In 2017, we will work with our customers and industry partners so we can continue to deliver the highest degree of value and differentiation in the systems and services we offer. Whether through process development, systems recommendations, materials and tooling expertise, our vision is to be the global leading provider of vacuum reflow systems in our industry.

This wouldn’t be possible without the support of you, our customers and colleagues, and we truly value the relationships we have built and sustained over SST’s 50 year history. We look forward to deepening those in 2017.

I am proud to be part of SST’s team and legacy, so on behalf of all the women and men who comprise SST Vacuum Reflow Systems, I’d like to wish you a happy and prosperous new year!

Very truly yours,

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Anthony J. Wilson
