VisionPilot® with Radar Referencing®

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VisionPilot® utilizes advanced geometric pattern matching technology to reliably and accurately locate parts. Even under the most challenging conditions, this exclusive Palomar Technologies software can significantly reduce or eliminate fixturing requirements and cost. For locating parts or features, VisionPilot provides the maximum inspection yield and reliability available in a vision system. VisionPilot is available for die and wire bond.




VisionPilot® is a state-of-the-art referencing technology that sets a new standard for vision processing on Palomar’s die and wire bond platforms that maximizes throughput and enables part inspection both before and after bonding. In contrast to standard referencing technology, VisionPilot utilizes advanced geometric pattern matching technology to reliably and accurately locate parts that are randomly oriented or have greyscale variations. It does so by using a set of boundary curves that are not tied to a traditional pixel-grid. It offers a wide range of tools and features to address the typical challenges of pattern recognition. This includes, but is not limited to, radar referencing, synthetic models, and active feedback.

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